Rumour: Fatal Frame Finally Heading Stateside?

Posted 04 Feb 2009 at 12:09 by Aaron Clegg
Could the reclusive, Nintendo-published survival horror title finally be coming to the west?
After releasing in Japan in July of last year to positive reactions, it's all been disappointingly quiet on the Fatal Frame IV front. The fourth main iteration of the cult horror series saw the franchise being brought exclusively to a Nintendo system for the first time. If that wasn't enough, the twisted genius that is Gochi Suda had a hand in developing the game.
After months of waiting - and Nintendo showing no apparant interest in stepping in as publisher again - there may be light at the end of the tunnel for western, or at least American, horror fans. According to a certain source, the game will indeed hit America this year, with no publisher specified (although Nintendo seems unlikely at this point and XSEED have already denied claims leading to them). No official back-up for the claim, so take it with a hefty pinch of salt.
Interestingly, the source also suggests that the release may see game drop the 'Fatal Frame IV' name. While this may simply mean the numerical suffix will be replaced with a new subtitle, the series has always opted for the more radical Project Zero banner in the UK. This could mean positive signs for European Wii owners looking for some scares.
We'll have our ears firmly to the ground for future Fatal Frame news, so watch this space.