Rumour: Galaxy, Ocean, Punishment Dated?

Posted 01 Jan 2010 at 15:11 by Aaron Clegg
Could European release dates for key first-party Wii titles have been leaked?
While Nintendo remains typically quiet on subject of its 2010 release calendar, certain sources are reporting an outlook for big hitters of the year.
According to European website LiveWii, French retailers are pencilling in much-anticipated sequel Super Mario Galaxy 2 for a release on August 27th.
The same source is also reporting Endless Ocean 2 as a February title, and claiming Sin & Punishment 2 will land in April. None of these dates have been confirmed by Nintendo, but such a time-scale would seem to balance out Nintendo's Wii offerings fairly nicely, not forgetting other confirmed games such as Metroid: Other M are yet to be figured into the equation.
We'll have confirmed release dates for Nintendo's big-hitters as soon as they're announced.