Rumour: Jet Set Radio To Grind Again On Wii?

A new trademark suggests that Sega are planning to bring the Jet Set Radio series back on the Wii.

We were sure Sega's cult graffiti-tagging franchise had been left for dead following five years of silence after the release of Jet Set Radio on the Game Boy Advance. Here's a rumour that should send loyal Sega-heads into a happiness-induced coma: it looks as though the franchise is set to follow in the footsteps of NiGHTS with a waggly new resurrection.

Kotaku are reporting that sources have confirmed to them at the San Francisco Comic-Con last week that Sega are planning a new installment in the series for the Wii. Sega filed a new trademark separate from the one registered for the Dreamcast, which suggests that Sega are indeed planning something new with the franchise. Other information hidden away in the trademark also reveals that Jet Set Radio has been registered for use with "downloadable game programs" and "game programs for use with hand-held game machines". Could WiiWare and the DS be getting in on the rollerblading action, too?

The original Dreamcast Jet Set Radio and its Xbox sequel were critically acclaimed for excellent cel-shaded visuals, fantastic soundtracks and their fun and compelling gameplay. Sega have had quite a bit of experience with the Wii now, we imagine they'd be able to do great things with a sequel on the chart-topping platform.

What else would you like to see in a Jet Set Radio sequel? Post your thoughts in the comments below.

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