Rumour: Mario and Rabbids crossover RPG coming to Nintendo Switch

Posted 18 Nov 2016 at 18:28 by Ashley Jones
Nintendo Switch rumours are a dime a dozen at the moment. This week alone we've had suggestions that a version of Pokémon Sun and Moon, called Pokémon Stars, would be coming to the Nintendo Switch, Breath of the Wild would miss the launch and the console itself would retail from £199.99.
The latest rumour suggests that Ubisoft, who have traditionally shown strong support at a Nintendo console launch, is working on a turn-absed RPG that will see their Rabbids crosover with Nintendo's famous plumber.
The game, with the working title 'Mario RPG: Invasion of the Rabbids' is allegedly being developed by Ubisoft but Nintendo is keeping a close eye on it to ensure that it meets Nintendo's standards and it launches alongside the console in March.
The storyline apparently sees the Mario universe being invaded by the ever-shouting Rabbids, with even Bowser taking on a Rabbids-inspired form. Many Nintendo characters are set to cameo, but the focus is apparently on Mario, Yoshi and a Rabbid.
A demo of the game is set to be shown alongside the console when Nintendo start unveiling more details in January, with a quicksave system being implemented to ensure the Switch's battery isn't a problem. Apparently part of the demo sees the JoyCons vibrating to imply the rabbids are infesting the console and could jump out of the controller at any time.
Of course this remains a rumour until we find out more. Nintendo has said it is not showing any more until January 12th/13th (depending on your local timezone).