Rumour: New Final Fantasy Game?

Recent rumours, as always, have been floating around the internet about Final Fantasy. Now it seems they may be true.

Recent rumours have suggested that a new, more traditionally, Final Fantasy game may be hitting the GameCube. These rumours were taken with a pinch of salt but an issue of Japanese magazine VJump may back this rumour up.

It was stated that this game, if it were real, would be shown at E3. However, Japanese magazine VJump showed a preview for their next issue and it had a very interesting prominent picture.

The scan showed an inverted character and a logo for a game called Final Fantasy Guilty Wing and at the bottom the acronym GCN can be seen. The text has not been translated and Square-Enix have yet to release any kind of official information so nothing is permanent at the moment.

The scan can be seen by clicking here and is thanks to Kotawa.

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