Rumour: New Games Announced?

A tidbit posted on a messageboard has led to talk amongst the GameCube community.

The piece below was original posted on GamePro messageboards, who apparently had to later delete it.

"Many of you may have noticed a little blurb in this month's issue of GamePro, regarding new Nintendo Franchises, "Fear" and "Ground Zero." Man when you guys get a little tidbit of pre-E3 Nintendo news you guys really go crazy. Anyways to quell the flow of e-mails I'm going to shut you all up with a little bit more info, and some answers to your questions. Get em while they're HOT!

First of all, there are two games, one called "Fear" and one called "Ground Zero." Both names we assume to be only code names at the moment. Fear is being developed internally at Nintendo and Miyamoto is heading the project himself. The game follows "a young and sheltered boy who challenges himself to overcome his many fears." From what we have heard the game will be level based with each level ending with him overcoming a fear of some sort. There will be a theme to each level, for example we have heard of a level where he overcomes his fear of heights by making his way up a treacherous mountain.

Ground Zero is actually a joint development by Nintendo and an unnamed second party developer or two. A game that will "be bigger than anything you have seen so far on Gamecube." That is all we were told.

For more information wait till E3."

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