Rumour: New James Bond Game On The Way?

Posted 23 Apr 2010 at 06:58 by Aaron Clegg
The film franchise may be on hold, but it looks like it hasn't stopped Activision from rolling out the video games...
According to a listing on the website of High Street retailer HMV, Activision is preparing to release James Bond: Bloodstone on Wii, PS3 and Xbox 360.
The release would mark the first James Bond video game release since 2008's tepidly-received Quantum of Solace, and the first non-movie-tie-in since GoldenEye: Rogue Agent. The game is listed as a driving title, and is believed to be developed by Bizarre Creations, developer of the Project Gotham Racing series.
Activision is yet to confirm the listing, but expect an official announcement soon.