Rumour: New Pikmin, Tales Of Symphonia At E3?

Are Nintendo prepped to reveal a new Pikmin game, and is the Wii to get a sequel to Tales of Symphonia? The E3 rumour-mill is in full swing...

With less than a week to go until the iconic E3 games expo, IGN are fuelling the flames of rumour by apparently revealing in a podcast that gamers can expect to see a new incarnation of the popular Pikmin series announced at the event. Long seen by many gamers as being a game perfect for the motion-sensitive controls of the Wii, it would come as no suprise if this was actually the case.

Also mentioned is the return of long-dead Nintendo franchise, and the revelation that a sequel to Namco's Tales of Symphonia was coming to the Wii (set to utilise the GameCube version's engine and to release in 2008).

Treat this only as rumour for now - these last two pieces of information were accompanied by laughing from another IGN staff member on the podcast, and indeed such sourceless news would be treated by us here at N-Europe as rumour anyway. Nevertheless, stay tuned during the coming week for all of our E3 coverage where we may just see these rumours confirmed...

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