Rumour: Numerous Hudson Titles Cancelled

Posted 23 Mar 2011 at 22:11 by Ashley Jones
The newest issue of Famitsu brings claims that many Hudson titles have been cancelled.
Following their recent acquisition by Konami game developer Hudson has cancelled many of their titles according to the newest issue of Japanese publication Famitsu. Siliconera report a few Konami and Now Production titles were also cancelled although Konami has been quick to suggest that this is just a rumour.
According to the reports Hudson's Bomberman 3DS, Deca Sports 4 (Wii) and Bonk (3DS) have all been cancelled. An unannounced DS game from Now Production, the studio behind the Practical Intelligence Quotient series for the DS, is also said to be cancelled. Konami is also claimed to have cancelled two Wii RPGs that had not been announced yet.
This news will certainly disappoint many fans but Konami has issued a statement to Wired claiming that "If (the announcement) didn't come from us, it's not true. We have not distributed any official list of Hudson products yet." The fate of the aforementioned games remains to be seen but it seems unlikely that they would cancel one of the bigger franchises in the video game industry.