Rumour: NX to be a handheld-first console with home dock

Posted 26 Jul 2016 at 12:30 by Ashley Jones
With the NX not shown off at E3 we've had to wait a bit longer to find out what Nintendo's next console is all about, and that time will of course be filled with rumours. The latest ones come courtesy of the typically reliable Eurogamer (and written by former N-Europe Editor-in-Chief Tom Phillips) while Emily Rogers has been re-iterating reports she made a while ago.
The latest rumours suggest that the NX is a handheld console at heart, but with the ability to 'expand' when you're back at home.
Eurogamer describes the console as a "high-powered handheld console with its own display" that can be inserted into a controller section on either side that can be detached at will.
The idea is to allow for handheld gaming on the go, but once you're at home you can plug it into a dock station that connects it to the television.
As has been suggested previously, Nintendo will forgo blu-rays and instead place games on cartridges, with rumours suggesting the minimum recommended game size is 32GB. Blu-ray games are typically 50GB and while Nintendo has mastered the art of compressing their games (many of their Wii U games are actually quite small), many 3rd party titles take up more space on discs. Of course the eShop will remain for downloading titles directly onto your console.
The NX is said to use Nvidia's Tegra mobile processor and Eurogamer has a breakdown of what this means if you're into the tech side of things. Nintendo is allegedly not looking to engage in the specifications arms-race (not for the first time of course), instead favouring the portability at the expensive of more powerful hardware.
One source has suggested that due to the radical change in the underlying hardware the NX would not be backwards compatible, marking the first time since the GameCube that a Nintendo console has not been backwards compatible.
Apparently Nintendo learnt their mistakes from the Wii U unveiling and early marketing, which saw many people believing it was nothing more than an add-on for the Wii (a belief some people still hold four years after the console launched). Their marketing is due to focus on the portability aspect according to reports.
Nintendo still currently plans to launch the NX in March 2017 and there is a widespread belief that they will showcase the NX during September. Stay tuned to N-Europe for more as it develops.
N-Europe recently looked at what we can expect from the NX as part of our What Happens NX? series which looked at third parties, the controller and the launch itself. Nintendo has already proven us wrong since then (thanks Nintendo!) but the series will return shortly with new instalments before the console is unveiled.