Rumour: Pokémon DS Unveiling Next Month

Posted 15 Jun 2005 at 00:12 by Tom Phillips
The next two titles in the phenomenally popular Pokémon series could be fully revealed in just over a months time.
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are the next two titles of the handheld series, which started with Red and Blue way back on the original Gameboy. The new games will apparently get revealed to the public and press for the very first time at the Tokyo Pokémon Festa 2005 which takes place on July 17th.
What changes the dual screen capabilities will bring to the traditionally top-down 2D view is unknown. Could we see the first handheld 3D Pokémon adventure title? How will touch control be implemented? And what new Pokémon will the two titles bring with it?
Hopefully it won't be long until we find out!