Rumour: Rare On DS?

Another week, another Rare on DS story emerges. Read on for the latest episode in the saga...

Call us cynics, but it seems there have been more rumours coming out of Rare than games lately -catty though that statement may be, it would appear that another slip of the tongue, this time to IGN has added fuel to the rumour-oven regarding Microsoft sanctioning Rare to produce games for the DS.

This time, an unspecified source on IGN from within Rare has been quoted as saying the following:

"Personally, I would love to do a sequel to either Blast Corps or Sabre Wulf on the DS"

This comment was made in response to a question about what projects this member of the development team would like to work on in the future.

Could this be true or is it utter bunk? Well, considering the fact that Microsoft are far more eager to wrest Sony's almost unbreakable hold from the home console market, they would appear at least superficially to be far less concerned with the dealings of Nintendo in the Handheld market. And frankly, Microsoft need to start seeing a return for their baffling �300 million-plus purchase of the veteran developer, as Rare have not had a Triple-A hit, nor a good critical write-up since the halcyon days of the N64.

Needless to say, we'll keep you up to date with all the latest developments here on Cube-Europe, we hope you enjoy DS week!

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