Rumour: Revolution Details Leaked

For now, regard all the following as nothing more than a rumour; so as not to cause disappointment and so you can't complain at us if it turns out false.

It has been circulating around the internet for a few days but we though we'd share the biggest rumour in a while, details on 'Revolution'.

Apparently the same person who leaked information about DS has found out information about the 'Revolution', the GameCube successor.

The main points of the so-called information can be seen below, but please remember it is all a rumour at present!

  • The controller will contain gyroscopes, allowing for motion-control gaming
  • It will have dual processors and built-in broadband, which will hopefully be utilised a bit more than GameCube's if it does happen
  • The DS will not connect to it, but possibly the 'Game Boy Evolution' will
  • The unit itself will have four controller ports, a hard drive, and support for high-resolution displays and Dolby Digital 5.1 channel surround sound
  • The unit will use HD-DVD (an 'upgrade' of DVDs but also the competitor to Sony's Blu-ray discs) and be backwards compatible with GameCube games.
  • The console will launch with a Mario game, and a Zelda game is in the works

So that's the latest rumour for now.

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