Rumour: Supermarket to sell Cubes for less?
Posted 20 Feb 2002 at 17:39 by guest
Cube Europe has heard from undisclosed sources that Asda (a large UK supermarket chain) are going to stock the Gamecube for around �150. They are going to import them from Europe apparently - and change the plugs themeselves somehow (European plugs have two pins, differing from the UK's three pin set up). Wal-mart (the owners of Asda) have already shown that they are capable of importing goods from elsewhere - they've already done it with jeans and televisions. UK gamers may have heard that several 'big-name' retailers are going to charge more than the recommended retail price of �150.
First thoughts (Mike) : I hope this rumour turns out to be true. Just imagine getting your GC from your local Asda! It would be a little strange.