Rumour: Wii Music 2?

Posted 11 Nov 2010 at 06:36 by Ashley Jones
A recent interview with Shigeru Miyamoto seems to suggest Nintendo are working on a sequel to Wii Music.
In spite of Wii Music's strong sales it is often the most criticised of the Wii series of titles and the one most commonly found in the reduced section in shops. However, this doesn't seem to have stopped Nintendo from considering a sequel.
Speaking to Techlands recently Shigeru Miyamoto seemed to mention the idea in a rather offhanded manner. Initially he stated that "if there's another Wii Music, Mario wouldn't make an appearance," and later said he wants people to understand the concept before placing him in the game.
He then continued to talk about Wii Music and surprised the interviewer when he offhandedly spoke about plans for improvements to the title.
And there's a lot of potential still in Wii Music, I think. Because we're going to change it up, a new interface is coming, and all of that.
Of course this may simply be a case of the information getting 'lost in translation' or any other of a number of possible causes for crossed wires but we'll keep you updated.