Rumour: Wii Music To Utilise Balance Board?

The rumour mill is a-grinding once more. Could Nintendo be working to implement the Balance Board into the mythological Wii Music?

It was one of the most well-received titles on display back at Nintendo's E3 conference in 2006, yet the Japanese giant (Nintendo) have let Wii Music slip into nothingness, leaving fans to get their information fix from many unsubstantiated rumours. Here's yet another, and let's hope it's actually true...

Revogamer are now reporting that a source has informed them of Nintendo's plans to include functionality with Wii Fit's pressure-sensitive Balance Board in Wii Music. The Balance Board is said to act as a drum pedal in conjunction with the dual Wii Remote setup (which acted as drumsticks in the original demo). We can't help but wince at the price of that particular control setup...

The game is also said to be hitting Europe before November 2008. Could Nintendo be gearing up their musical masterpiece for E3?

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