Rumour: Wii Speak Discontinued?

Posted 17 Nov 2010 at 20:52 by Ashley Jones
Amazon's listing for Wii Speak has suggested it has been silence.
Nintendo launched the Wii Speak accessory alongside Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City in 2008 and it has been used in very few games since. An update to the Amazon listing states that the product has now been discontinued.
GoNintendo spotted the change but so far there has been no official word from Nintendo. Recently High Voltage Software stated that Nintendo asked them not to utilise Wii Speak for the upcoming Conduit 2.
It is possible that if this is true Nintendo have simply decided to pass on the voice chat torch to the Headbanger Headset that was released alongside Call of Duty: Black Ops and has proven popular already.
We'll keep you updated about any changes.
Gamerzines reports that Nintendo of Europe has commented on this issue and denied that Wii Speak has been discontinued and is still available to purchase.
As of yet there has been no word from either Nintendo of America or Japan about the issue.