Salt and Sanctuary coming to Switch

Posted 25 Jul 2018 at 14:33 by Sam C Gittins
Salt and Sanctuary is a 2D platformer with a dark, hand-drawn artstyle and a brutal difficulty to match.
It has already garnered much success on other platforms, now Ska Studios has announced that their game is coming to Switch.
Check out the details and trailer below...
"Salt and Sanctuary, Ska Studios’ brutal hand-drawn 2D Soulslike platformer, comes to Nintendo Switch August 2 with the help of porting specialist BlitWorks."
There is also reportedly a physical edition in the works, though this isn't yet confirmed for release in Europe though, we hope it will see a boxed release over here.
Have you played Salt and Sanctuary before? Is this Switch release the one you've been waiting for? Will you be holding out even longer for that possible boxed copy?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.