Site News: Cube-Europe RSS-Feed now available

Posted 23 Jan 2004 at 19:04 by guest
You might have heard of it: RSS. Now Cube-Europe has its own RSS 2.0 feed PLUS a Klip of its own for Klipfolio.
Even If you have no clue what I'm talking about, take a look
If you have never heard of RSS: RSS-files are files which contain some kind of index on recent items on a website that updates regularly (like Cube-Europe). For more information and details visit's What is RSS Article.
Basically that enables you now to fetch the lates C-E news with any available RSS Aggregator (thats programs like FeedReader, that read the RSS-feeds from different sites and present them to you, warn you when new stuff was posted, etc.).
As if that wasn't enough, I additionally made a Klip-File for use in Serence's (free) Klipfolio Aggregator since thats the best one I could find out there. So when you load our Klip File in there it will basically look like this:
What do you have to do?
If you want to use your own Aggregator, just make him fetch
If you want to use KlipFolio, go to the Klipfolio Homepage and download the program there. Afterwards download our cube-europe.klip file here: Opening this file should import it into your KlipFolio, you can delete the original file afterwards.
In short: install the programm, download the C-E file. Doubleclick the file ... then the programm detects it and will 'fetch' it ;)
Update: Some of you asked if Klipfolio contains Spyware. No it doesn't, its really free :) The program also doesn't display the entire news, just what you see on our index-page. Then you can decide if you're interested and klick the link to view the article on C-E. I'll also repear that this feed (rss.php) can be read by any news-read that supports RSS, like Trillian for example.