Site News: Cube-Europe v3.0

You may have noticed that we have not been updating some sections on the website recently. We think you will like our reason for this...

Until now we have kept it our little secret, but we felt it was time to let you know why we have not been updating some of our sections (release dates, games, cheats etc.) The reason for the lack of updates in these sections is because we at GameCube Europe have been working for several months now building a huge new system for the website. This new system will change almost everything at GameCube Europe except for the design/layout.

We are very excited about the new system as it will feature many new things as well as some huge upgrades on existing sections. Two of the new features are a news comments system and an enormous dynamic games database. The comments system will allow everyone visiting the website adding their comments on the bottom of a news article and the games database will contain all the info, screens, reports, and many more things you will every need of a certain game. These two new features are just a few of the new additions to the site when the new system is launched.

The reason why we have kept this a secret until now is because we were not able to give you guys a launch date. But now we do know around what time we will be able to launch the new version of GameCube Europe. We are aiming to relaunch the site around the end of this month. The exact day we don't know you yet, but as soon as we do we will let you all now.

We are looking forward to the day, and we hope you are as excited as we are! If all of the above didn't make any sense to you, don't worry... you will notice the difference in a couple of weeks from now. I can assure you it will be worth waiting for!

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