Site News: Happy New Year!

Posted 01 Jan 2021 at 22:10 by Sam C Gittins
Well, that was 2020... certainly a revealing year in many ways. Metaphorically, it has been referred to as many things, such as an emotional rollercoaster, a horror show, or just plain living in an episode of The Twilight Zone.
Games have certainly proven to be a welcome distraction for many of us during this time, and at N-Europe we've even been able to escape from things a bit as a community, thanks to games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons which has played host to many a meet-up, or Mario Kart 8 DX from which we've been partaking in a weekly league, and who could forget Super Smash Bros. Ultimate which has the power to bring not only loads of videogame characters together from many franchises, but it has also brought our community together, especially whenever a new character joins the battle.
We've also had many episodes of the N-E Café Podcast, including the latest episode which has plenty of videogame related discussion, covering lots of titles played throughout this year. It's well worth checking out, if you've recently become a Switch owner perhaps, and are looking to keep up with all the latest Nintendo news.
There will surely be some new reviews planned to go live on the main page of N-Europe this year, plus some features, in addition to the usual noteworthy news events being covered, as they occur.
N-Europe would like to take this opportunity to wish all our visitors a very Happy New Year, and all the best for 2021, which will surely be a year to remember in general, but also for Nintendo, who will surely have a few surprises in store, waiting inside the question-mark block.
"Here's to 2021 which can be whatever we want it to be, let's do our best to manifest only positive things into existence, rather than dwelling in the negative.
Why not embrace the energy of Mario, going into 2021 with a powered-up perspective? That's what I plan to do, so in the words of the voice of Mario himself, Charles Martinet... Let's-a-go!"
Sam C Gittins
What's in the box for 2021? It all depends on what you want it to be.
Do you have any positive plans for 2021? Have you any fond memories from this past year, possibly related to videogames? What's your message for this year and beyond?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.