Site News: Happy New Year!

Well, that was 2021... Yep. How was it for you?

Once again, games have certainly proven to be a distraction for many throughout the year, and some of us at N-Europe have even escaped from things a bit, thanks to games like Animal Crossing: New Horizons which still seems to captivate many, Monster Hunter Rise has proven to be a popular way to slay mythical monsters together.

And who could forget Super Smash Bros. Ultimate which has the power to bring not only loads of videogame characters together from many franchises, but it has also brought our community together, especially as the game recently received the last DLC character to be added to the roster, so there's no better time to get involved if you enjoy playing Smash on a Saturday night.

You can always check out our forums. There are many topics, with opinions on everything, and there is some decent discussion to be had, especially if you're into any of the latest videogames, or even Retro titles.

There will be some new reviews planned to go live on the main page of N-Europe this year, in addition to the usual noteworthy news events being covered, as they occur.

N-Europe would like to take this opportunity to wish all our visitors a very Happy New Year, and all of best for 2022, which will surely be a year to remember in general, but also for Nintendo, who will surely have a few surprises in store, waiting inside the question-mark block.

"Here's to 2022 which can be whatever we want it to be.

The past is gone, the future is unwritten, and all we have is the present moment.

It's worth remembering this, as it's our actions in this moment which will determine our future.

What future do you want? Unlike videogame characters, you have the power to determine your future.

Why not consciously create the world you want to live in? You have that capability.

If you aren't living in the world you want, then whose reality are you living in?

It's a question which is well worth asking of yourself, with love, and without fear or judgement.

Here's to health, hapiness and freedom of choice for everyone."

Sam C Gittins

What will the box for 2022 hold? It's up to you.

Do you have any positive plans for 2022? Have you any fond memories from this past year, possibly related to videogames? (or your reality) What's your message for this year and beyond?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.

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