Site News: Happy New Year!

Posted 01 Jan 2024 at 07:58 by Sam C Gittins
Happy New Year from N-Europe, and now for something completely different...
*Cue 90's music*
*Presses play on a retro boom box*
"Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how I came to run a retro shop in the square
South-West of England, born and raised
In my room is where I spent most of my days
Playing lots of games, which were all so cool
Getting high-score in Tetris, instead of going to school
I met a really cool guy at the market who would
Bring joy through games and comics during my childhood
I'd have one small request, at the week's end so rare
I said, "Can we go to the market, so I can check out Luke's wares?"
I'd go to that place, in the market each Saturday
It was called "Faceless Monkey" where electronic music would play
There sounded the hiss of old TV's, tonnes of wares cool and wicked
When I'd spot a cool game I'd say
"How much is this?" as I picked it
"That's an eighteen, I can't really sell you that..."
(...but put down a tenner, and I'll turn my back)
Is this what doing deals for games is like?
Well, I'll keep coming back, as this dude is alright!
But as the years went by, in a different place
I walked by, and I could of swore I saw a familiar face?
I thought so!
It was Luke right there
In a different place, right in the market square!
Then, one day the news landed, as it filtered out
That the guy I once knew...
Would no longer be about
I don't know how to take this news yet
I'm just not here...
In this place where all I know, has just disappeared
I went back to the place, when it reopened later that year
Luke's family greeted my brothers and I, then love replaced fear
If anything I could see dedication so rare
And I thought, "This place is special"
"Nothing else can compare"
I've been running the place for about seven or eight (weeks)
And I say to myself
"I'm now a retro curator?"
I look at the shop
And I'm finally there
At a place I can keep going, with time, love and care"
While I can't possibly convey everything which has happened to the tune of a familiar theme from the Nineties, I would like to say "Thank You" to Luke Pocock, for creating such an amazing and magical place in the "Faceless Monkey" shop, across it's various forms, in the many places it has been in throughout Cornwall over the years.
It always has been and always will be the best retro shop which stocks Retro games, comics, Pokémon cards, toys and more.
Thank you to Luke's daughter Becca, the previous owner of the Faceless Monkey, and Luke's family & friends for keeping the shop running. After everything that has happened, I'm glad at least that Luke's shop can be kept open for hopefully the forseeable future, for many more people to enjoy.
I'd like to dedicate this article to the memory of Luke, a very special cat called Jasmine, and to anyone who has ever lost someone close to them, a family member (including pets) or just anyone who thinks they are forgotten, whether still with us physically or spiritually... someone remembers you.
A special illustration from the 90's to celebrate the life of Luke, and others lost along the way.
What has all of this got to do with N-Europe as a videogame site? Nothing directly... but this is just a reminder to value those around you, don't take them for granted, and if you have a favourite local videogame store or a place which is special to you, we'd like to hear about it, especially at this time of year, which while it might not officially be the true start of the year, it's still as good a time as any to reflect.
You will still see new articles appearing on the main page thanks to our Head of News "Josh" who does a fantastic job at keeping the front page updated, and thank you to anyone who still contributes to N-Europe in any way, on the site and the forum.
Being that I'll be keeping all things Nintendo, Pokémon and games in general going in another way, you'll likely only see the odd news post from me, probably some long overdue reviews from last year to start this year with, until things get settled, and maybe the odd feature. (Possibly one involving retro video-game stores, past and present... who knows?)
In the meantime, all the best for the here and now, enjoy the moment, because everything changes.
Sam C Gittins
Do you have any fond memories of videogame stores from the past? Any stories to share? Or just want to talk about games again already?
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