Site News: Mozilla Problems/Help needed!

Posted 10 Jan 2004 at 02:06 by guest
As you may or may not know some of our readers are having problems in viewing the site in Browsers using the Gecko Engine (Mozilla/Firebird). I need your help to solve that problem.
On some Users PC's the Gecko Engine rips our tables apart. However I tested all of the pages on my PC with the latest version of Firebird (0.7) and didn't notice ANY problems. Also the way in which the tables are broken differ from user to user. Since I do not have any experience with Gecko i have no idea what might be the cause of this problem. I just changed our CSS a little please send me a mail or put a comment below if that made the problem disappear.
If the problem still exists and you have some experience or any idea what might cause Gecko to act this way please also send me a mail.
UPDATED! There IS a partial solution!
It appears that the problem is that Gecko doesn't redraw the page when its loaded completely. It loads half of the page, renders some crap, loads the rest but doesn't redraw the page then.
A reader wrote me that pressing CTRL+R after the page is loaded makes firebird draw it properly. I don't know about mozilla but a redraw/refresh should help with that too.
Reader shad pointed out the following in the comments below:
do a 'about:config' and change 'browser.cache.check_doc_frequency' to 1. fixed it, for me at least :) tested with clean installs of firebird 0.7, firbird latest nightly and netscape 7.