Site News: N-Europe is Hiring!

Posted 01 Nov 2011 at 08:56 by Ashley Jones
We're looking for some new recruits to join our team. Head inside for details!
The future is very bright for N-Europe and we have a lot of exciting things planned. With this in mind we are looking to expand our team to ensure that we can continue to provide great quality coverage for you, our loyal readers. We are currently seeking new staff for our graphics team, which we affectionately call our graphics monkeys. So if you'd like to join our team and flex your design muscles please read below.
The basic requirements for this position is as follows:
- Must have knowledge of, and access to, design software such as Adobe Photoshop. We use a number of templates that are in a PSD file format.
- Must be able to crop, colour and manipulate images and text effectively.
- Must have an 'eye for design'. We don't want just an image and text put together, we want something eye catching!
- Must be able to work to requests, which are sometimes specific and sometimes vague.
- Must be able to commit to the position, although quite often it won't require any more than 1 or 2 hours a week (depending on how quick you are).
For an idea of what kind of output our team currently offers be sure to check out the featured images on the front page as well as our site header. Our head of graphics department will provide full support and training, as well as all necessary documents, if you take on the position and we'll all be here to help. Unfortunately we are unable to pay for your time but as mentioned earlier the time requirements are small but hopefully you could use this site to show off your talent.
If you are interested please email [email protected] with the subject "Application for Graphics Team". Be sure to include the following:
- Your full name.
- Your forum name (if you have one).
- A link to at least five samples of work (please supply links rather than attached documents), although if you wish to link to portfolio sites that is fine.
- Previous experience.
- Your general availability (this will not affect who we take on, it is just for our information).
- When you'd be able to start.
- And be sure to ask us any questions you have.
We hope to hear from you and look forward to seeing the work you send in. If you're interested in any other positions do keep checking as we plan to expand all teams soon.