Site News: N-Europe Turns 13

Posted 07 Jan 2011 at 09:15 by Ashley Jones
Thirteen years is an awful long time, especially on the internet. In fact Google as an internet site (as opposed to intranet) is only a year older. Anyway, random fact aside today is the site's 13th birthday and in some ways we can't quite believe we're here.
I won't go into a pottered history of the site, as founder Tim Symons did so himself a few years ago (although it could do with updating obviously). Over the last 13 years the website has seen four names (N64-Europe, Cube-Europe, Revo-Europe and N-Europe) and four Editor-in-Chiefs (Tim, Conor, Tom and myself) and many more staff members who have made it possible.
Over the next few days we will be running a number of features, based on both the website and Nintendo, so be sure to check back here as this post will be used as a central hub (although obviously everything will be posted on the main site as normal). We would like to thank all the staff, visitors and various other types of supporters that have helped us go from the dream of two Dutch teens to what you see before us today.
I would also like to personally thank everyone I have worked alongside during my eight years on this website. Numerous staff members have also contributed some words about the site and their history with it and this will get posted later on tonight. Here's to another 13 years!

Click to enlarge. Many thanks to Eddage for this wallpaper and all the celebratory graphics.
To say the last year at N-Europe has been an eventful one would be a bit of an understatement. 12 months ago the site was run by Tom Phillips, we were part of the Kombo group and the 3DS had yet to be announced.
Personally the year has been a big one. While I was working previously as Head of Features, and have in fact worked for the site in some capacity since 2002, my input was far less than it is today. Tom Phillips must be given a great deal of credit for ensuring the site ran as well as it has done over the last few years. He was a dedicated individual who inherited the site when it was all a bit up in the air but he turned it around and really helped build it. Tom has now moved onto Eurogamer in a paid position and we wish him continued success.
The other major change this site has seen in the last twelve months is our move back to being independent. We were part of the AMN/Kombo group for a number of years but shortly after I took over the position of Editor-in-Chief in August we agreed to go our separate ways and once again go independent. The decision was not an easy one to make. Kombo was helpful and really helped us get to where we were but ultimately we felt the best way to go forward was to strike it alone (we are now in the teen years after all) and while it's not always been easy we are doing well.
Of course we wouldn't be where we are if it wasn't for the staff who have all been wonderfully supportive. Its a cliché to say but we wouldn't be here without them and I really do appreciate all the hard work they put in during their spare time.
Naturally a lot has changed in the gaming world in the last year. This time twelve months ago we just received details of the DSi XL European launch and now we're just weeks off finding out the 3DS release details. E3 2010 was a big year for Nintendo, showcasing a number of titles that have already proved to be successful. The next twelve months will of course bring the 3DS, Kirby's Epic Yarn and hopefully The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword amongst many other exciting things yet to be seen.
See you all in January 2012!