Site News: New staff member

I'd like to introduce to you our newest Feature Writer, Will.

As the new Head of Features, I'm determined to make our features the best on any game site. In doing so I am hiring new talent to make the Feature team that bit better.

The first addition to the Cube-Europe staff is Will, from Manchester. The guy is a long-time fan of Cube-Europe, and is full of great ideas. At 17, he is half-way through his A-Level courses in Maths, Physics and Geography with the hope of doing Computer Science in university.

His all-time favourite games are Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, his current favourite games are Pikmin, SSB Melee and Super Monkey Ball and he can't wait for Zelda, DIe Hard Vendetta and Timeplitters 2.

He'll be heading the upcoming new features Gaming Guru and C-E Challenge Corner. Believe me, you'll all be greatly involved in these. More details soon.

If you want to say welcome, or know more, his e-mail is [email protected].

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