Site News: Top 50 Games Of All Time Poll!

We're collating a list of the top fifty games to grace Nintendo consoles.. ever. And we need your input!

This is Revolution-Europe's Top 50 Nintendo Games of All Time! You've probably seen the lists magazines throw up every year - the best GameCube games released over the past twelve months, the best Nintendo titles this generation... Well, we're creating a list of your favourites, covering any game by any company - as long as it's been on a Nintendo platform (yes, even the Virtual Boy).

The results are going to published on the site as part of Cube-Europe/Revolution-Europe's fifth birthday celebrations this January 8th. But we can't do it without you!

All you need to do is click onto the official forum thread (the link's below) and list your personal top five. We assure you it'll be a challenge choosing! We also ask you give a reason for your choice of No.1, just so we know why it's so special to you.

The closing date for your top five is December 31st, though it's better to get your choices posted as soon as possible in case you need to rethink before the deadline!

Get voting to make sure your favourite makes the list!

Revolution-Europe's Top 50 Nintendo Games of All Time

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