Smash Bros. trailer to be shown at E3

Posted 06 Jun 2013 at 11:30 by Joshua Phillips
Anticipation for this years E3 is already unbearable, and Sakurai just made the wait that bit worse, as he confirmed that the first trailer for the all new Smash Bros. title will be shown in next weeks E3 Nintendo Direct.
Satoru Iwata claimed in a recent Wii U Nintendo Direct that screenshots for the new title can be expected at E3, so it's great news that we'll actually get to see it in action instead.
Sakurai has stated that he hopes to show off both the 3DS and Wii U versions of the game, so perhaps there will be some key differences between each one.
Having being confirmed at E3 2011, this will be the first solid footage of the game we have seen, and whilst it is very exciting indeed, remember that we'll still have a while to wait before the title is released!
Make sure you don't miss out on all the action and stay tuned to N-Europe for all the latest from E3. The Nintendo Direct event is set to take place on June 11th at 7am PT/ 3pm BST (UK time).
Click here to visit Nintendo's official E3 site, where you'll be ale to watch the event live this Tuesday.