Sonic Boom: Fire and Ice announced for 3DS

Posted 09 Jun 2015 at 15:18 by Joshua Phillips
Despite the frosty reception last Winter, SEGA and Nintendo have decided to push the Sonic Boom franchise further and are set to unleash a sequel upon the gaming population.
The original Sonic Boom was met with mass criticism and was also one of the poorest selling Sonic titles, yet despite the bad reputation, still managed to sell a good 400,000 copies. Perhaps the notoriously bad game design and performance awoken the mascochist inside of Wii U gamers.
The games may have been toxic but the TV series has actually done rather well and continues to gain popularity whilst securing another season of production. With that in mind, Nintendo and SEGA are set to push the gaming franchise once again and hopefully with more success this time.
Like the previous entry, this title is a single-player collaborative game which has you racing and exploring the Sonic Boom world alongside series favourites Tales, Knuckles and Amy (bandages included).
Development this time will be handled by Sanzaru Games Inc., whilst SEGA will be publishing and Nintendo will be in charge of sales and marketing.
This new title will focus on the 'Fire and Ice' gimmick, with these elements proving instrumental in the game mechanics and the weapons and moves that will be available to players.
So, much like some unrelenting, awful disease, Sonic Boom will not be going anywhere any time soon but hopefully the symptoms and mortality rate will be much more forgiving this Winter.