Space Pioneer is coming to the Nintendo Switch eShop next week

Posted 25 Nov 2019 at 15:20 by Sam C Gittins
Space Pioneer is a twin-stick shooter which includes RPG mechanics, developed by Vivid Games, published by QubicGames and will be available on the Nintendo eShop on December 6th for the price of £9.99
Check below for the details and a trailer...
25 November 2019 | Warsaw, Poland - You know the drill. Humanity needs to expand to the far reaches of the galaxy and they’ve sent you to do some much-needed pest control. Welcome to Space Pioneer!
Space Pioneer is a twin-stick, run and gun, RPG lite game.
QubicGames has partnered with Vivid Games to publish their highly acclaimed and addictive shooter for Nintendo Switch this December 6th, 2019.
In Space Pioneer you’ll travel to multiple planets and discover ancient secrets. Take on various enemies and massive bosses from cybernetic arachnids to venomous hornets, each with their own unique offensive and defensive capabilities. Choose from multiple weapons and skills to crush your enemies and earn loot to unlock new gear and upgrades.
Game Features:
- Tight and responsive run and gun gameplay
- Multiple galaxies to exterminate through
- Big ass boss battles
- Rewarding progress system – continually upgrade your weapons, gear + skills
- 3 class types to choose from - Light, Heavy and Standard
- Local co-op up to 4 players
Space Pioneer will be available on the Nintendo Switch for 10 USD / 10 EUROS
Is this a mix of genres and themes which appeal to you for this type of game? Does it offer anything unique which you haven't experienced yet on your Switch? Or could it be another title to keep in mind for whenever the next sale is on?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.