Special: LucasArts Meetup

As promised, today we bring you a special report covering my visit to LucasArts this week! Later this week we will also publish our in-depth interview with one of the producers.

Tuesday morning, the 12th of November, I packed my memo recorder, camera and notes; I was on my way to Breda, Netherlands, to meet with a delegation from LucasArts, the producer of RTX Red Rock for the GameCube and the producer of Indiana Jones and Knights of the Old Republic for the Xbox. I of course went there to check out RTX and have a chat with Reeve, its producer.

Unfortunately, I arrived a half an hour late at LucasArts because of a train delay (is there ever a day without a train delay?) and I missed the first part of the Indiana Jones presentation. But no big deal, because that wasn't necessarily what I came for. The second presentation, Knights of the Old Republic, was fun to see, but also not the one I came for. Both games looked amazing and are very cool, especially the Star Wars game. This was reason enough for me to ask the producer of that game why there was not a GameCube version planned for it. This is what he told me:

"From the beginning we planned to release this game exclusively for the Xbox because the GameCube and PS2 do not have enough hard drive space for the game to run. This game is huge and needs lots of flexibility within the console; this is something which only the Xbox offers."

The third presentation was worth the trip. This presentation was held by Reeve, the producer of RTX Red Rock. He gave a 45 minute demonstration with loads of game info. The most important info you will able to read in the "hands-on" that I will publish in the near future.

After the presentation it was time for lunch! Of course during lunch I took the opportunity to talk to the producers as well as some other press guys hanging around from TV and Magazines. I had to restrain myself from asking too many question to the RTX Red Rock producer as after lunch I would get some one-on-one time to do an in-depth interview.

During lunch I discovered that the guys from LucasArts were not the only people who flew over to the Netherlands. Also Suzanne Panter, the Activision Public Relations Manager, joined them and was available for questions. We had a small chat and talked a bit about some of the upcoming Activision games.

Then suddenly a Stormtrooper and Boba Fett joined the party! Everybody was scared to death� until we found out it were just two guys dressed up as them. Phew, what a relief that was!

The Official Dutch Star Wars Fanclub

Then it was time for my interview with Reeve regarding his career and his upcoming third person action adventure game. Soon I will post this exclusive in-depth interview on GameCube Europe for you to enjoy. To wrap up the day I had some hands on time with RTX on the Cube on which I will also report later this week. For now enjoy these grabs to get a general impression of my day!

RTX Red Rock on the Cube

RTX under development!

The demo/presentation area

Don't bug me about the crappy quality of the pictures! Next time I will brind a decent camera, I promise :P

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