Special: May 2nd - be there!

We've decided that it's time to show the rest of the world that Europe also has hardcore gamers. Everytime a console launches you see major lines forming in front of the stores in Japan and US, usually the night before the launch alreay. In Europe though, most gamers seem to be less hardcore, they pre order their console and get it somewhere during the launch day.

With the GameCube launch, things are gonna change. GameCube Europe wants to form a huge line that consists of hardcore gamers only, in front of a big store. Bring your sleeping bags, your food, drinks (beers) and everything else you need to survive a night out in the wild.

The place where all this action will take place is Rotterdam, The Netherlands. With a beautiful centre, many stores and of course the biggest port of the world, we figured Rotterdam would be the perfect place. More importantly, the GameCube Europe office is located in Rotterdam, and we're too lazy to move to another town. We'll spend the night in front of MediaMarkt, a huge store. This store will definitely have enough cubes (they had about 350 Xboxes when it launched), and the price will probably be 249 Euros.

During the night of May 2nd and May 3rd.

I'm sure everything still sounds pretty vague. During the next couple of weeks, we will give you more details. The only thing you have to do now is mark May 2nd on your calendar. If you have some questions that you want answered as soon as possible, ask it at our Message Boards. You can also email us about it at [email protected].
We understand that many of you won't be able to be there, since you live in another country (if you live in the Netherlands or Belgium come to Rotterdam - it'll be worth the trip). If you want to 'sleep' in front of a store and form a line in some other country, you can get other gamers to join you, ask them at our Message Boards. Some members there are already planning events in England and Scotland.

Rotterdam Launch Event - Be there!

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