Special Splatoon Demo imminent, free DLC coming in future

Posted 07 May 2015 at 13:39 by Aaron Clegg
Today's special Nintendo Direct dedicated to Splatoon has just finished, and you can watch it in full below.
We got to see some of the many modes and stages that we'll be vandalising with colourful ink come the end of May. Everything from weapon types to stage tactics were detailed. And whilst the game is focussed around online competitive multiplayer, there's also a meaty single-player mode, which becomes even bigger if you unlock the special missions using one of the three Splatoon amiibo figurines.
But there was also some headline news. First of all, a special 'Global Testfire' demo will be available to download from the eShop later today. Don't don your beanie hat and goggles too quickly though, because you'll only be able to play it at certain times. As an online multiplayer demo, you'll only be able to play at designated times when the servers are open. The times at which you'll be able to play the Global Testfire demo are on Saturday May 9th at:
04:00 - 05:00
12:00 - 13:00
20:00 - 21:00 (all UK time)
Also, anyone who downloads the demo will be able to get 10% off the eShop price of the full game when it launches on May 29th.
Nintendo also used the Direct to confirm that the game will be supported by a host of DLC post-launch. New gear, new weapons, new stages, and even new modes will be made available "every week or two" in the months after Splatoon releases. There will also be a comprehensive game update coming in August.
Finally, there was the announcement that Splatoon-themed plates for New Nintendo 3DS will be released in July, and that Splatoon-themed Mii Fighter costumes for Super Smash Bros. will be available in the summer.