Speculation: Sony Buys MGM- Bye Bye Bond?

Sony have recently purchased the struggling film company MGM. What does this mean to MGM film-based titles?

While there are no current firm details on the MGM purchase it does not stop speculation. It is being suggested that Sony may take full advantage of the fact that they have brought the rights to MGM films.

With all previous film adaptations MGM have had say over details such as which console they appear on. This position may be passed on to Sony, which could spell trouble for Xbox, GameCube or PC owners.

There are currently few titles based on MGM films, being the Rocky game and the many Bond titles, this does not mean that Sony will stop there. The power over the Bond titles is enough to worry some players as fear digs in concerning whether any future titles will be PS2-exclusive.

It is possible that Sony would allow any future titles to be released on other consoles and it is also possible they will not have a say. As mentioned earlier nothing definite is known yet but for now people will probably speculate, worry and curse Sony.

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