Splatoon 3: Splatfest World Premiere Starts Tomorrow!

Posted 26 Aug 2022 at 15:21 by Joshua Phillips
Tomorrow, Saturday 27th August, is the big day – Your chance to finally play Splatoon 3!
There’s also not long left until the full release, as it was recently revealed that it will be released on September 9th worldwide.
Which one's the best? Rock, Paper, or Scissors?! Fight for your favourite in the Splatoon 3: Splatfest World Premiere, taking place on August 27th, 9am - 9pm (UK time). During the event, take part in the new Tricolor Turf War battles and try out a variety of weapons, including the new Tri-Stringer!
Download the software from Nintendo eShop on your Nintendo Switch console. From August 25th, you’ll be able to dip your tentacles into the tutorial to learn the basics, then take a stroll around Splatsville and decide which team you’ll be supporting in the Splatfest.
A Nintendo Online subscription is required to play the Splatfest, but a 7 day free trial is available for those without one if you’re eager to play but not yet part of NSO.
If you feel like you still need that edge to beat the competition in the Splatfest, check out the recent Nintendo Treehouse Live Splatoon segment with an overview of stages and strategies!