Splatoon and Mario Maker Update due on March 9th

Yet another Splatoon update is ready and will land on your Wii U next week, on March 9th.

Featuring overall improvements to the game and user experience, this update will see changes to the gear abilities, adjusted ranked battle rankings and new elements for Splat Fest!

Another update will be due in the near future, though no date yet, with a change to certain weapons. Existing weapons will see changes in their combinations of sub and special weapons, forcing you to change your tactics or perhaps give some shooters that you'd turned away from another try. 

After revealing the shocking news that there are now over 6.2 million courses in Mario Maker, Shibata informed us of some new items.

Keys, along with locked doors, will now be introduced. You won't be able to continue a level with a locked door without getting the key, and the creator is able to hide the key in a number of places, such as in an item block or given to an enemy. Keys can also be hidden in 'pink coins' a collection of 6 coins that the creator can scatter around there level, and when all six have been collected, the key will appear. Perfect for players who want to add a bit of strategy to their Mario Maker levels! 

Spike Pillars from Mario World are also making a return, set to prod any speedy Mario and stop him in his tracks. 100 Mario Challenge has also been updated with an expert mode, serving up 6 incredibly hard levels with 100 lives to try and beat them with. Along with this new expert mode will be new costumes to unlock, such as Tetra. 

Both Mario Maker and Splatoon will be updated on March 9th. 

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