Star Fox does a barrel roll into Star Link: Battle for Atlas

Posted 11 Jun 2018 at 22:45 by Sam C Gittins
Also during the Ubisoft E3 2018 Press Conference, we were treated to a trailer showcasing their latest space-based title which came with a surprise cameo from none other than the Star Fox team.
The legendary Shigeru Miyamoto even made an appearance as he was presented with the first prototype Arwing ship toy which can be used in the game.
Please check out the full press conference if you wish to see the whole reveal for yourself but for now, here is the official PR and reveal trailer below...
"Watch the Star Fox reveal trailer of Starlink: Battle for Atlas and discover the famous Fox McCloud coming to help saving Atlas, exclusively on Nintendo Switch™!"
Are you potentially excited to purchase Star Link: Battle for Atlas following this announcement? Does its unique selling point of optional toys with interchangable parts interest you? Or would you prefer a brand new Star Fox game instead? Let us know in the comments section below or on our forum.