Star Wars: Dark Forces Remaster - Reveal Trailer

Posted 24 Aug 2023 at 09:18 by Joshua Phillips
With a gameplay style and visual elements similar to the classic Doom titles, Star Wars: Dark Forces originally released in 1995, at the height of popularity for that genre of FPS.
Now, over two decades later, Nightdive Studios plan to bring it to modern consoles, including the Nintendo Switch, with an assortment of improvements, including remade cutscenes, advanced 3D rendering and higher resolution.
The story has you taking control of a mercenary called Karl Katarn, starting shortly before the events of the first movie, before the story truly begins a year after the films events.
Nightdive Studios just recently released the fantastic Quake 2, which has been praised as one of the best ports to grace the Nintendo Switch.
No release date has been confirmed just yet, but stay tuned as we’ll reveal it here on N-Europe when the news breaks! For now, enjoy the reveal trailer below!