State of Play: Greedy retailers *2

Big gaming retailer with a purple logo. Staff who all seem happy to help. But don't be fooled. First impressions aren't always what they seem.

Retailers are getting even more crafty in forcing you to give them your dosh. As games sales rocket, expect stores to use even more initiatives to obtain some revenue from the unsuspecting customer.

First up for the slaughter is popular high street retailer GAME. Seen their exchange policy? GAME's latest brochure promises you healthy sums of cash for your games but don't believe a word of it. I'm talking on first hand experience.

Today I walked into my local GAME store and attempted to exchange Luigi's Mansion. I expected to be able to redeem �18 off my latest purchase but no such luck folks. The shop assistant looked reputable, but looks can be deceiving. He quoted me (in a reassuring tone I hasten to add) �15 for it. Now I know there was only �3.00 in it but I have my principles.

I quickly declined to exchange and later headed to my nearest EB (owned by the same company as GAME). I hurried to the counter and asked if I could exchange Luigi - the assistant helpfully obliged. He scanned the barcode into the computer and said I could get �20 for it. A whole FIVE POUNDS MORE than I was quoted in GAME. Using my few brain cells, I came to the conclusion that the cashier must have been using the same system as my friend in GAME. So why the discrepancy?

Now usually I wouldn't be bothered. Five pounds isn't too much in this day and age, but it isn't the first time that GAME have tried to rip me off. First with Dreamcast game exchanges, and now this. Don't be fooled with their sweet-sounding policies and all too innocent smiles. Just beware ;).

UPDATE - 18.08.02

Seems like this issue has hit a raw nerve. Comments below from the people who matter - real gamers.

I totally agree about shops that rip people off, but wanted to point out that EB and GAME are one and the same, so I think GAME trying to rip you off was more the cashier trying to take advantage of you, rather than store policy. I've got good deals at GAME when I've bought a console with games (Dreamcast and GameCube), and once they sent me to one of their rivals, Computer Exchange, to find something I wanted they didn't have. As for trading stuff in, EB and GAME are both rip offs. You'd get a better deal at shops focusing on second hand goods, like Game Station or Computer Exchange(maybe), depending on the attitude of the staff. I guess it comes down to that- make sure your cashier is a nice guy. Also, keep up the work on the site. I've found it's the only GameCube-specific site that's updated daily and doesn't have "xbox and ps2 suck" all over it.
David Fallon, via email

In reply to your editorial I have actually found the same problem. I bought Super Monkey Ball and later during the week (they have a 10 day return policy) I decided to take it back, for lack of a better game. I had lost the receipt and so on return I asked whether I could take it back. I enquired into whether they could trace my purchase by using my loyalty card - to clarify that II had bought it within 10 days. They bluntly refused and actually had the cheek of getting angry for me trying to exchange it. I decided to phone up the Game Hq (using the number on the website) and sure enough it was a perfectly good idea to ask whether my loyalty card could be traced back, minutes later I had my proof of purchase, just goes to show doesn't it...
Matt N, via email

You might not be aware that if Game have a certain price advertised (I saw it today) saying that they will buy it for �20 they have to - it's the law in the UK and EU
Kevin Prince, via email

I'm afraid that GAME and EB are actually the same shop, in fact they're renaming all EBs Game this year. If they gave you different amounts of money back on your games, it's due to the single shop itself, not the chain. So don't diss GAME!
P.S. I prefer EB too ;)
Bob Da Monkey, Monkey Land

Just a quick note - I know that EB and GAME are the same company (as I stated in the article). That little fact is why I wrote the rant. *Mike slams his head on the keyboard.*

SECOND UPDATE: Some more views

I enjoyed your news article about GAME, and in fact I was pretty disgusted that a couple of people seemingly jumped to it's defence ("Don't diss GAME"). GAME is one of the worst stores I can think of for prices (of course along with EB, now they're one and the same). I'd encourage you to actively *discourage* people to ever buy games from a high street store.A quick look on GAME's webpage reveals they want �40 for Resident Evil. I can buy the US version for �26 off of DVD Box Office, which even has to come 5,000 miles to me (Shipping is free, I may add. I haven't checked, but I'd be willing to bet GAME's shipping if you buy online isn't).The big issue isn't that they have discrepancies between stores as to the amount they'll trade you in, it's that people even shop there in the first place. People need to realise they have power as a consumer to spend less money on the same product elsewhere.
Matthew Cardle (that guy talks sense), via email

I really enjoy the cube-europe site, best place I've found for up-to date news and the latest screens, excellent features too! Unfortunately that's where the sweet talking must end! Just read your article, State of Play: Greedy retailers, and I thought it was harsh at best and at worst very unfair!I work for GAME and don't once recall being told to rip off customers! When customers trade in games it's down to the individual member of staff how much to trade games in for, and it would also depend on the how copies of that game they already have preowned, and how well that game sells in that particular shop, if a game is traded in at �15 rather than �20 it should then be sold at �24.97 rather than �29.97,,,, the guy you spoke to in GAME might have known that they would struggle to sell Lugi's Mansion at �29.97 in that particular shop.....of course there is always the possibility he was just an asshole!When people come to me looking to trade in games I always give a fair price, but if the customer is friendly I'll try and find an extra few pound because they deserve it! The amount of rude customers you get, makes you thankful for those who are nice ppl and don't treat you like an idiot! Yesterday would have been a good example on person wanted to trade in a game that was snapped in half!!! an another brought in just the cases ...he had just had the discs in his pocket! and also wanted to trade in a PS2 pad .... with one analogue stick totally snapped... he stormed out when I said we wouldn't trade those in! Another example of customers treating me like an idiot...some wanted to trade in Space Race for the PS2... now that's a really bad game it's �29.99 new.. but no-one would buy that unless it was less than �10..and then they would bring it back under the 10 day policy.... so I told the women it's not a very good game we could only give you �10 on it ...... she was outraged!..... and claimed gamestation offered her �20! and they give cash.... we can match the prices given offered to ppl on trade in's ...... but when then just bluntly lie and are rude to you... why should we? I'll admit I didn't phone gamesation to check out her claim .... but if she was telling the truth it won't be long before the only choice on the highstreet will be which branch of GAME you go into.Just one last example of the customer treating me like an idiot.. someone claimed that games station was selling the official cube controllers for �14.99 brand new! I said no problem I'll just phone games station to confirm that ..... and he went all quite.... and strangely enough gamesation was selling the official cube controllers at �24.99 !Anyway I seam to have gone on with little point so far! I just wanted to say I think it was wrong to post that unfair attack on GAME.....�5 is a big discrepancy!! but you don't seam to understand the reasons of it, I'm sure you did feel ripped off of by the prices given on dreamcast games.... but it's simply economics low demand = low price...but you can't blame GAME for that!The sign off line was what really prompted me to write this e-mail, up until that point it was just you giving your views.... but to say to beware of the sweet sounding policies and innocent smiles! that's wrong ! 10 day no fuss returns ! in my shop at least we will even offer an exchange if you can not produce a valid proof of purchase!...and we've got no obligation to that at all.... I know some shops have problems with ppl buying the games 2nd hand and then trying to exchange them for full price... which explains the difficulty some ppl have had returning products... although purchases made with a reward card can be looked up and verified in the shop! If they won't do it for you complain to customer services!... I don't expect they would be too happy with mangers/staff not doing their job probably!The lowest price guarantee is sweet !! If it's cheaper they match it....if you come back within 10days with your receipt they can refund the difference..and you still get reward points on your purchases so you save even more! Innocent smiles... well no one at EB/GAME gets paid commission so they aren't trying con you!... and what's the point anyway...if you don't like the game you'll just take it back and not want to shop there again because of the bad advice they gave you !Anyway I've gone on for far too long! Thanks for reading, I look forward to hearing your reply either in an e-mail on your (otherwise :P ) great site :)
'The Radiator,' disgruntled GAME employee


Just a few points to 'The Radiator.' 1). Read the back page of your brochure and you'll see the promised exchange prices. I also suggest you check the small print. 2). My copy of Luigi's Mansion was in fine condition, no scratches, box, manual etc. 3). One of my good mates works at GAME as says that he's got paid on commision on several occasions. 4). Also check out the back of the Resident Evil GC promo boxes, �20 is quoted for Luigi there. 5) It's against the law for a shop assistant to offer what they like for an exchange if it has been advertised elsewhere for a higher price. 6) You seem like a cool guy but don't be so naive, mate. Just 'cos you're a friendly geezer doesn't mean that every GAME employee in the country follows your example.

A few more points that I'd like to make. I was pretty surprised when some readers felt the need to defend GAME. Prices for videogames in the UK already far surpass those in other parts of the world - but stores aren't the only ones to blame. Publishers, developers and games giants such as Nintendo could make a difference by lowering their prices in Europe. We are already charged over the odds for everything in Europe (UK in particular) as it is easy to take advantage. We have to wait longer for games here, yet they arrive more expensive. Life's unfair. Unless a big player in the industry decides to have a drastic rethink about prices, nothing will change.

Some more thoughts on GAME. It's not so much the prices they charge that really bothers me - more often than not they retail products for the same prices as their big rival stores. It's the way they reckon they can fleece unsuspecting gamers - and that my friends is not acceptable. I suspect that most of their store assistants are genuine, nice people. It's just the minority which give GAME a bad name.

If you're feeling like exchanging a game, try GameStation or your local independent retailer instead. They offer better prices, and they'll give you the option of exchanging for cash. Not content with your worthy exchange, GAME will inevitably make some profit with their policy of no cash for games. GAME/EB won't even allow you to exchange your games for vouchers. Stay away from stores like GAME, EB and Woolworths, although in general Virgin and ToysRUs have good offers. Try to support cheaper website retailers and local game emporiums. Not only will you probably save a few quid, you'll help to reduce the monopoly that uber-retailers like GAME have on the market.

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