Streets of Rage 4 will be released on 30th of April 2020

Posted 18 Apr 2020 at 00:55 by Sam C Gittins
It's now official, Streets of Rage 4 will be launching across all platforms, including the Nintendo Switch on 30th April, 2020!
Also, the famed Battle Mode is returning so that you can fight against other characters in addition to fighting alongside them in the main campaign, now everything about the game is really pointing towards it being as true a revival as we ever could have hoped for.
Check below for the press release details and another really well-produced trailer...
Get a first look at Streets of Rage 4’s Battle Mode, a legacy experience returning from Streets of Rage 2 and 3. This feud-settling battleground is bound to help rivals recognize who truly is Wood Oak City’s finest alley-clearing ruffian, as well as settle grudges spurred by accidental friendly strikes during multiplayer sessions.
Are you excited at the thought of being able to play Streets of Rage 4 in less than two weeks? Are you holding out for that physical copy? Or will you be downloading the game straight away, the moment it becomes available?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.