Super Mario Run coming to Android in March

Posted 19 Jan 2017 at 01:03 by Nick Lone
Shortly after the Fire Emblem Direct this evening, Nintendo of Japan tweeted news that Super Mario Run will be launching on Android mobile platforms in March 2017.
Super Mario Run, which has been downloaded almost 100 million times on the Apple Store, was a timed exclusive for Apple after Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto appeared alongside Tim Cook in San Francisco to demonstrate the first mobile Mario adventure at an Apple event.
The game has already generated upwards of $30 million and Nintendo will be hoping the game's success continues when Android owners will be able to play in March.
Pre-registration for the game is already available on the Google Play Store. An exact release date is still unknown at this time.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="ja" dir="ltr">Android版「Super Mario Run」は、2017年3月に配信を開始します。現在Google Playでは、配信開始を通知でお知らせする事前登録の受付を行っています。ぜひご登録ください。<a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— 任天堂株式会社 (@Nintendo) <a href="">January 18, 2017</a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>