Tales characters in new Smash Bros.?

Posted 06 Aug 2012 at 16:05 by Joshua Phillips
Now that Yoshito Higuchi, director of the Tales series, is on board with the next Smash Bros. game it only seems likely that people will speculate as to whether characters from that series may appear in the upcoming brawler.
Well, it seems that it's not only the fans that are hoping for some Tales action in Smash Bros. as Higuchi has stated that he'd also love for Tales characters to appear in the game but it all rests on Sakaguchi, producer of Smash Bros., to give the green light.
"Maybe if we beg Sakurai-san, it will happen! I know Higuchi-san would love it, but the decision is Sakurai-san's. I think it's too early to talk about it."
As a lot of you may know, in order for a character to appear in a Smash. Bros title they have to have already appeared on a Nintendo console, so if any Tales characters do appear they will likely be from Tales of Symphonia or Tales of the Abyss.
Would you like to see any Tales characters in the upcoming Smash Bros. game? Or do you want it to stay a Nintendo only affair?