Tears of the Kingdom Post-Launch News

Tears of the Kingdom, the long awaited sequel to Switch launch title Breath of the Wild, released last week to critical and commercial acclaim.

Climbing the ranks of internet aggregators the world over, it has already become one of the highest rated titles of all time across multiple sites such as Metacritic. It’s not just critics and fans who are loving it though, everyone and their Korok seem to be enjoying the title as already, just a week in, sales are exploding.

Boxed sales in the UK have already outsold Skyward Sword, The Wind Waker and A Link Between Worlds, just two days after release. It is the eighth biggest Zelda game of all time in the region – Who knows what sales will look like a few months after being available on store shelves.

France has seen even bigger success, selling 500k at launch, marking it an even bigger launch than the latest Pokémon titles. Outside of the Nintendo bubble, Tears of the Kingdom in France even outsold the launch of Red Dead Redemption II and recent FIFA titles, which are notoriously huge in Europe.

Microsoft and Sony have also chimed in, sharing their excitement for the title via their Twitter channels:

This roaring success no doubt also solidified Nintendo’s confidence that they don’t need to reduce the price of the Nintendo Switch any time soon, and likely has eased earlier fears that Switch software sales were on the decline.

The Switch itself is also fully in the Zelda mood: If you just absolutely have to show your love of the game to all your Switch friends, then you’re in luck, as a new batch of icons are available now via Nintendo Switch Online.

The internet is rife with some of the wildest creations people have been able to come up with thanks to Link’s new abilities, it will be interesting to see just how far people can push the mechanics of the game in the weeks and months to come.

Given the early success, it will also be interesting to see if this title can usurp Breath of the Wild in sales, which is currently the best selling Zelda title ever.

Have you played Tears of the Kingdom yet?

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