The Croods: Prehistoric Party headlines this weeks Nintendo downloads

Posted 08 Apr 2013 at 22:18 by Joshua Phillips
This weeks Nintendo downloads are a bit hit and miss (or indeed, miss), but for those of you in the mood for cheap family fun, or cheap Nintendogs alternatives, this is your time to shine.
The Croods: Prehistoric Party (Wii U £35.99 and 3DS £27.99) is a party game like any other, featuring 30 mini-games all based in the world of The Croods, this Easter's big Dreamworks hit.
Cats And Dogs: Pets At Play 3D (3DS £24.99) allows you to choose from a range of cats and dogs, take care of them and watch them grow. Enjoy playing with your pets, using various toys and teaching them tricks. Yes, enjoy it.
Clash of Elementalists (3DS £4.49, DSi 500 points) is a fighting game which has you playing as one of four creepy Animé characters who possess their own power of earth, wind or fire. Sadly, this has nothing to do with the fantastic band or indeed the month that is September, but it does boast battles above the clouds or in the depths of ancient ruins.