The Elder Scrolls: Blades is coming to the Switch in 2019

Posted 10 Jun 2019 at 00:05 by Sam C Gittins
While the Nintendo Switch already has a fully fledged Elder Scrolls game in the form of Skyrim, it seems that soon it will also play host to The Elder Scrolls: Blades when it launches in Autumn this year.
It will still be free to play, just like the mobile version and you'll be able to play it in docked or undocked mode by the looks of things and there's not much else to say at this point but more Elder Scrolls has to be a good thing, surely?
Check out the trailer below which was just shown at the Bethesda press conference at E3 2019...
Could you be tempted into playing this Free to Play version of Elder Scrolls? Or are you happy enough with a portable version of Skyrim?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.