The Messenger: Picnic Panic a free expansion is coming soon

Just in case you missed the Devolver Digitial press conference which proved to be thoroughly entertaining, probably the most notable announcement during the whole event was that a new expansion for the generally well-received indie title The Messenger was announced, sub-titled Picnic Panic.

It's coming out as a free update on 11th July 2019 for anyone who already has the game and that should let any purchasers of the upcoming physical version know when they can expect to receive their copies of the game being that Limited Run tend to wait until all main dlc is released so that it can be on the game card before it ships.

Check out the PR and trailer below...

Tropic like it’s hot; critically acclaimed retro platformer The Messenger gets a free expansion on July 11, 2019!

Did you enjoy playing through The Messenger when it was originally released? Will you now be looking forward to this new dlc? Or are you still waiting for your physical copy so that you can join the party fashionably late but in style? (I know I am)

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.

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