The Stillness of the Wind coming to Switch next week

Posted 29 Jan 2019 at 21:03 by Ashley Jones
Memory of God's The Stillness of the Wind has been announced for the Nintendo Switch and is due to release on the eShop on Thursday 7th February.
The title sees you play as Talma, an elderly goat farmer as she cares for her crops while the world ends around her. Living a simple, solitary life she looks after her homsetead and her goats. The quiet title will allow you to develop a personal routine and barter with a travelling merchant who brings "increasingly disturbing letters from your family in the city".
Discussing the game Coyan Cardenas, AKA Memory of God, says the following:
“Nostalgia, a sense of loss and home are the main themes running throughout the narrative of the game. It’s my hope that players develop a meta-nostalgia for how things were—a kind of literal manifestation of ‘golden memories’. For me, The Stillness of the Wind is about developing a more connected sense of ourselves.”
The Stilness of the Wind is being published by indie label Fellow Traveller. The title releases on the eShop on Thursday 7th February and we don't currently have European prices but it is going to be $12.99 in North America.