The Switch has outsold the Wii U's lifetime total in less than a year

Posted 31 Jan 2018 at 12:53 by Jonathan Stanley
Nintendo has announced its third quarter financial results and they make for some fantastic reading for anyone concerned with the company or, indeed, the video game industry as a whole.
Bearing in mind the position of uncertainty Nintendo were in merely a year ago, it's incredible to see that the Nintendo Switch has now sold 14.86 million since it's launch last March, with 7.24 million of those sales coming in the last quarter which includes the festive season. To break it down even further, 3.72 million of those were in Japan, 5.94 million in the Americas and 5.2 million in the land of "Others", which includes us humble Europeans.
Software sales were also incredibly strong with a lifetime total of 52.57 million units out in the wild. Leading fthe charge was Super Mario Odyssey which has moved 9.07 million units in about three months on sale, and Wii U upgrade Mario Kart 8 Deluxe following it with 7.33 million.
3DS continues to show legs as well with 3 million being sold in the quarter to bring life time sales to an almost under the radar whopping 71.99 million. Quite impressive considering the start the machine had.
Overall Nintendo has had an exceptional quarter and, indeed, year since the Switch was launched. With a modest Nintendo Direct Mini showing a few games coming out in the first half of the year, the onus is now on Nintendo to continue this momentum in to Switch's second year and having already released big hitters like Mario, Zelda, and Mario Kart. As it stands, Switch has already and could continue to break records with every annual report.