The Wonderful 101: Remastered Kickstarter launched and funded within hours

Posted 04 Feb 2020 at 01:25 by Sam C Gittins
If you asked a lot of Wii U owners what their favourite exclusive games for the console were, chances are that The Wonderful 101 by Platinum Games Inc. would be right up there with the best.
The unique game which featured 101 unique superhero characters which you would control on the screen at once, had you 'Unite up!' into different weaponised forms in order to take on huge alien enemies.
It also featured some light puzzle-solving, platforming and exploration within reasonably-sized, futuristic city style environments and was generally well received, as you can see... here at N-Europe we thought that the Wii U game which also made unique use of the gamepad was rather wonderful.
As with many Wii U titles however, it didn't perform that well sales-wise, as while Nintendo were happy enough to publish the game at the time, perhaps understandably due to how the game performed, they were not so keen to fund the game on Switch but they were however gracious enough to allow Platinum Games regain full ownership of the IP and so after months of speculation; the Kickstarter campaign for The Wonderful 101: Remastered has gone live and has also had rather a lot of money chucked in its general direction.
Only a mere £50,000 was required for the game to get ported to the Switch which was reached in no time at all, now hours later the campaign is at well over the £500,000 mark which has now ensured not only a Steam version but also a PS4 version to boot and although it looks like the game won't be scaling to an Xbox One version, it's fair to say that was bound to happen.
Here's a quote from Platinum Games Inc. taken from the Kickstarter campaign...
'The Wonderful 101 is a game that represents our passion for making games and dedication to quality, and one that we want to reach as many people as possible. Now, with the support of Nintendo, we have been given the opportunity to bring this game to the Nintendo Switch and other platforms as well! This is an amazing opportunity, and an important step toward our goals.'
The first stretch goals have been announced, these include Time Attack for reaching a million and a brand new 2D side-scrolling adventure titled 'Luka's First Mission' starring the young hero; here's hoping that these goals are met because for all backers any dlc will be included for free as part of the deal you get for backing the game.
If you're after a physical copy of the game, it currently works out at around £35 for a copy including postage which seems very reasonable indeed and at least this way, many more fans will get to play this truly wonderful game rather than it remaining exclusive to the unfortunately ill-fated Wii U; although perhaps Nintendo might be wishing that they'd backed the game as a Switch exclusive at this point but this still seems like a very good result all round.
Check out the Kickstarter for more details including various tiers where you can purchase everything from a copy of the game, an elaborate five-disc OST and pay for the 'honor' of being tweeted about and then blocked by Hideki Kamiya himself on Twitter.
Are you excited for the news of The Wonderful 101: Remastered coming to the Switch and other platforms? Have you played the original? Will you be giving this title the second chance that it surely deserves?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments section or join in with the discussion on our forum.